Taishan Hjul CO.,Ltd

Vi vil fortsætte med at vokse som den mest pålidelige og troværdige producent af industrielle hjul i branchen.


Taishan Hjul


Her er de spørgsmål, som kunderne normalt stiller

Castor is a British term for caster wheel, whereas caster is an American term for caster wheel. We make castors for use on industrial equipment (not suitable for mounting on furniture) such as trolleys, industrial machinery, cage cars, fligh case and other equipment that needs to be rolled.

Casters come in three weight ranges. Light duty casters are for loads of up to 500 lbs. Medium duty casters are for weights of between 501 and 2,000 lbs. And heavy duty casters are for weights of more than 2,000 lbs.

Casters come in three weight ranges. Light duty casters are for loads of up to 500 lbs. Medium duty casters are for weights of between 501 and 2,000 lbs. And heavy duty casters are for weights of more than 2,000 lbs.


Estamos dispostos a colaborar consigo para lhe fornecer excelentes rodízios ou encontrar soluções para o seu equipamento logístico.

Estamos à procura de contactos para nos tornarmos parceiros e não fornecedores.


+86 17363297532

( WhatsApp / WeChat )

Serviço: +86 17363297532

(Seg. a Sáb. das 8.00-22.00 uur)